Premiere & Festivals in Europe!
"Miniaturen / Miniaturas" European premiere in Switzerland
We would like to invite the Performing Arts Community to Company MAFALDA's premiere: "MINIATUREN / MINIATURAS". This dance piece for children 7+ years old and families is an Argentinean/Swiss co-production.
Dates and venues
Tuesday, October 29th , 2019|10 o'clock (School presentation) at Tanzhaus Zürich,
Wednesday, October 30th, 2019|15 and 17 o'clock (public performances) at Tanzhaus Zürich,
Thursday, October 31, 2019 |10 o'clock (School presentation) at Tanzhaus Zürich,
Friday, November 1, 2019 |10 o'clock (School presentation) at Tanzhaus Zürich,
Sunday, November 3, 2019 |17 o'clock (public performances) at Gofechössi Theater Lichtensteig,

Zick Zack Puff at Kliker Dance Festival in Croatia
Wednesday, October 16th, 2019|09 and 11 o'clock (public performances) at Croatian National Theater HNK Varaždin, Augusta Cesarca 1, 42000 Varaždin, Croatia.

And finally our latest news...
Teresa Rotemberg will receive in October the Swiss Dance Award 2019 for "Vicky sets Sail" show. We are honoured and happy for receiving this prestigious recognition!
"If dance is to become more visible to all age groups and sections of society, we need dance works for children of this exceptional quality.” - Béatrice Goetz, jury member -

Please ask us for special invitations and enjoy Company MAFALDA's dance theatre for young audiences live in Europe!
If you need any further information or tickets, please contact Paz Begué, or |
+549 11 66950513
Miniaturen / Miniaturas
Zick Zack Puff at Kliker Festival in Croatia
Vicky setzt Segel
Company MAFALDA news 2019